Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Helpful Writing Sites

I love visiting sites on the internet.
There are a lot of great sites out there for the writer.
If you notice on my sidebar I have a long list of some of my favorite Writing Links.

I often write in rhyme. I would  be  lost without Rhyme Zone. It is a great site. It not only helps you with rhyme, but also gives you near rhymes, synonyms, antonyms, definitions,  related words, similar sounding words, homophones, etc. If you are stuck finding a rhyme for a word, then search under related words for another word to use that you can find a rhyme for. I also find this so helpful with my MG manuscript writing when I am searching for just the right word to use.

I love Auto Crit Editing Wizard. It allows you to paste a section of your writing into it and it will edit it for you! It shows you problems in your manuscript. You can paste your work two or three times a day for free.

I just found Reading Rockets. It looks like a great place with all kinds of info. There are long lists of recommended children's books by themes. I am going to be returning there a lot.

You Tube is a great place to visit. Many picture books are read there in their entirety. Go there and put the title in the search engine. You can look at a book and then decide if you want to buy it or check it out at the library.

It is time consuming going to sites, but some of them are very helpful and worth the time it takes to check them out.

What are some of your favorite sites?

Posted by Janet F. Smart on Creative Writing in the Blackberry Patch.


  1. Thanks for the tips Janet.. I've never heard of Rhyme Zone but I will surely use it.

  2. It is fun to visit different sites, but so time consuming. I find myself neglecting other things when I find a really good one. Thanks for the links.

  3. Hi again. I've given you an award. You can pick it up at

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Great writing links! I checked them out and have bookmarked several. Thanks!

  5. Janet,
    These writing sites are wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing these. I didn't know about them and I'm so glad to learn about them. You are so good to share wonderful writing information with us. Have a great day.

  6. Lotsa great stuff here, Janet! Thanks bunches and bunches! :-)

  7. Thanks for sharing all of these great sites! I love Reading Rockets- the author interviews are amazing. I look forward to checking out the rest of the sites you mentioned. :)


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