Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

I heard the peepers! Oh, what a sweet sound.

The crocus have sprung from the earth!

They were a sight for sore eyes!

The robins flew overhead!

What more could you ask for on a beautiful day in March?

It was even pretty enough to sit outside on the porch and watch for the mailman.

I am going to enjoy this while it lasts, because I am sure the cold and snow will return and cover the crocus and chill the red breasted robins.

Have you seen the first flowers or robins of spring?


  1. Yes!Yes!Yes! I have yellow crocus all over the back yard..don't know what happened to the other colors..and have seen Robins every day for several weeks now..

  2. No crocus in northern Virginia yet, but I heard the peepers!! Soooooo happy. :-)

  3. I always enjoy your photography, Miss Janet! Gorgeous! And yes, let's soak it in while it's here, right?

  4. I am so enthralled with the night sounds right now! Spring is really on its way! C

  5. Yep, this first Robbins arrived the day before we had a nine inch snow. I think their timing was off just a tad this year. My hyacinth is up about three inches and accumulating snow is predicted for this weekend. So much for livin' in southern Missouri. Heeeheehe!

    Gos bless ya'll and have a glorious day!!!

  6. I saw a couple of robins. Some tiny blue flowers are blooming and a lot of the wild verbena. Wonderful pictures. Think spring. :)



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