Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Contests Are Fun

Contests are fun to enter and if you are talented or lucky enough to win, it gives your ego a boost. Here are a few contests that you might want to know about.

I went over to Sherri Tales and she blogged about a fiction contest Highlights is having. But you have to hurry, it ends January 31st.

Erma Bombeck's writing competition is now open. There is a humor and human interest category. It also ends on January 31st. I'm not a very good humor writer, so I don't know if I'm going to be able to come up with a story to submit or not. But I may give it a try.

There is no entry fee for the above contests. But there is prize money offered. If you think you've got a story to enter, go ahead and give it a try.

The WVWriter's Annual Writing Contest
is also accepting entries now. There is a fee for this writing contest. This contest is also open to children. There is no fee for children this year.
You have until March 15th to enter this contest.

I think contests are fun. Some may be in a different genre than you are used to, but you may find out that you are good at it.

I've won an honorable mention at the WVWriter's Competition before. It was with one of my picture book manuscripts.

Have any of you ever entered a writing contest before? Any of you win?

By the way, my January column for Two-Lane Livin' has been posted on line and if you go here, you can read it. Go to the right hand column on that page and click on Fun Facts for Kids and it will take you to my other columns from the previous months.


  1. Great links. I'm planning on entering a couple of contests this year. I'm hoping for good results.

  2. Janet, This is really great information for writers. Thanks for sharing and congratulations on your Honorable Mention! Wonderful!

  3. Thanks for all the links!!! I had to take a break from writing contests for a bit. I was feeling quite rejected! Haha!!!

    I read your snowflake article. Good stuff!!!

    Alisa Hope

    First Friday Fiction

  4. I tried to get my story together for the Highlights contest, but alas, I need more time! That's the story of my life. I'll keep working on it and try for next year. I sure do love your header! You should enter that in a contest!

  5. I've never entered any writing contests. Not so sure I have what it takes.
    But GOODLUCK, if you do!!!

  6. Good luck on entering the contest! I may try to enter one, too. I haven't had much luck before, but the practice will be good.


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