From the comments on my last post about the mail box, it seems that maybe I was right, most good news seems to come via email, not snail mail. But, there are a few exceptions.
Thanks for your input.
I browse the internet looking for sights about writing.
I recently found this sight. It's called the Dabbling Mum.
On the bar at the top of their sight click on Writing.
I'm stilling looking around, but so far I have found many good articles. The nice thing about it is that the information is all in one place, you don't have to go looking everywhere.
The topics include anthologies, book writing, fiction writing, general writing, getting paid, grammar, magazine writing, prompts, queries and success stories.
The Recipe Section is also interesting.
If you get the time, (which is hard to come by when you're trying to write and do everything else that needs to be done around the house) go take a look. You just might find some information you've been looking for.
Thanks for the info, Janet! I'll check that out.