Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Writer's Newsletters

I get several email newsletters.

I find these very informative. They are filled with news, tips, contests and advice for the writer.

Some of the free newsletters I receive are from the following sights:

Fiction Factor


Cool Stuff 4 Writers

Publishers Weekly (Children's Bookshelf Newsletter)

Writer MaMa Ezine

And I just recently signed up for a free newsletter at Charlette's Web.
I haven't received a newsletter from her yet, so I can't say what will be in it. But you can always unsubscribe from these if you don't like them.

I know you can sometimes get bogged down with too much email. But, I don't consider these junk emails when they send you informative information that may help you as a writer.

If you like, go to these sights and check them out.


  1. Janet,

    I belong to ACFW and also a critique group. These sound like they would be jam-packed full of great information. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Thanks, Janet (o; I'll visit some of these sites. Great info.


Thank you for your comments. I love comments!