Friday, January 9, 2009

1 2 3 Write!

This is the first post of my new Blog on writing.

I've made a resolution to write more, send in more and learn more this year about the craft of writing.

If we all band together to help each other, I think it can be accomplished. We can get published!

This blog is a work in progress, so bear with me. Input from you will be just as helpful as what I put on the sight.

Hopefully we can share ideas, information and advice.

Spread the word about our blog and come join me in the fun of writing!

Let's get to know each other.

I write mostly children's picture books and middle grade.

What do you write?


  1. Great start to your writing blog, Janet! It's much better than my 1st one. That one was just plain sad. I like your New Year's Resolution too. Great minds think alike don't they? I made the same one. I sent in 2 stories so far this year---one was to a print children's magazine & one to a children's ezine. You can bet to be back to visit!!

  2. Hi Janet. Your blog is looking great! My writing blog has been slow for me to 'get going' on a regular basis, LOL.

    I write Christian romance, Christian romantic suspense, and mystery. I'm doing some writing in Christian westerns right now. Like you, I hope to get a lot done this year.

  3. Dear Janet,

    Congratulations on starting a blog! It's not easy to get yourself going and to create valuable content for everybody to see, but who knows who will stumble on here!

    Personally, I found your blog using the Google Blog Search. Google loves you! That's a good thing.

    I think getting published is a great goal, although, remember, self-publishing is also becoming a path to potential success as well.

    Currently, I write for my own website that dispenses motivational information to help writers write! I'm enjoying myself thoroughly.

    Hope all goes well in 2009!



Thank you for your comments. I love comments!