Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Word for the Week

DRABBLE: A short piece of writing consisting wholly of 100 words - no more, no less.

EXAMPLE: I think I will write a story - a very short story. Hmmm, I'll write a drabble.

QUOTE: "A short story must have a single mood and every sentence must build towards it." Edgar Allen Poe

Until recently, I never knew what a drabble was. In fact, I had never heard of a drabble. Have you?

You would think that as a writer of picture books, writing a drabble would be a piece of cake. Pardon the overused cliche. But, as I have told people many times, just because the story is short, does not mean it is easier to write. In fact, it is hard to tell a story with few words.

You have to be more careful about using adjectives, useless or overused words or lazy words. Cut, cut, cut and choose your words carefully. When in doubt, leave it out.

Mark Twain once said, "I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead."

Learning to write short pieces comes in handy when writing blog posts, a synopsis, pitches or a blurb to go on the back cover of your book. In all these instances, you need to use few words and the best words to get your point across. It takes practice.

My book, Fun Through the Seasons, Recipes, Crafts and Fun Facts for Kids, is filled with short writings. Fun articles under 500 words, short poems, short stories, short - and easy - recipes, short activities and crafts.

It is great for short attention spans of kids - and adults. When you have a little free time, open up the pages and read an article, make a fun recipe or read a poem.

It is available on Amazon and there is a short, five star review to help you decide if you or a child you know will like the book. 

The above promotion of my book is a drabble of exactly 100 words!
See, writing short comes in handy.

I challenge you to write a drabble, if you have the time.


  1. Hi Janet! I hadn't heard of "drabble" as a 100 word story. I HAVE heard, though of "dribble-drabble" which is slang for something that makes no sense. As in: "Oh, that politician is full of dribble-drabble!" :)

    1. Funny, Becky! I think a lot of our politicians are full of dribble-drabble.

  2. I hadn't heard of a drabble before. Love learning something new. I think it is quite a challenge to write using as few words as possible. :) Definitely takes time!

    1. Hi Jess. Yes, I think writing with few words is a talent and a challenge to do.

  3. I just thought it was called flash fiction. I wrote a drabble once that placed in a contest. Usually, though, I'd rather write longer!

    1. Hi Marcia. Congrats on your drabble placing. It's fun writing short pieces for a change of pace.

  4. New word for me! It is great discipline, though, to write a drabble. Thanks for the post.

  5. Thank you for the information about writing a drabble. It is hard to write a short piece. Thanks for the advise about writing a drabble. I had never heard this term, but glad to learn about it.


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